The Mullane Symposium schedule is complete. Visit our Education page to download the complete schedule.
Wednesday Sessions:
Opening Keynote: Survival Mediterranean Style: Lifestyle Countermeasures for Fire Fighters, Stefanos Kales, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM
Fireground Exposure Risks … What Steps Can We Take?, Gavin Horn, PhD
IAFF Disaster Response and Relief, Danny Todd
Cellular Network Connectivity within an Emergency or Disaster, Denis Lenehan
Protecting Firefighters’ Behavioral Health and Resilience — Current Limitations and Novel Approaches. Michael G. Hamrock, MD; Vladimir Ivkovic, PhD
Thursday Sessions:
Shift Work, Fire Fighting and Family: Coping with Stress at Home, Wendy Currie, LICSW; Patricia Diaferio, LICSW
Briefing: NFORS/IPSDI, Lori Moore-Merrell, DrPH, MPH
Nutrition in the Firehouse, Chloe Schweinshaut, RDN
A Survivor’s Message, Kathy Crosby-Bell
Closing Keynote: The Operational Lessons of the Route 91 Incident, Jon Klassen, Deputy Chief (Ret.); Evan Hannah, Captain (Ret.)